Trilogy Time!

Sunday June 23, 2024

The second week of summer was pretty great.

I mostly stayed home, you know I love it!

My sister from Florida sent a message that she will be at the beach on Friday and I should come out. My cousin planned to come over, but she lives like 10 minutes from the beach and hasn’t seen my sister in years (that side of the family had a wedding on the day of my nephew’s grad party so she wasn’t there) so we went to the beach instead of hanging out at my house.

It really sucked because two of my sisters were there. And even though, I requested them to not talk about up north (I didn’t want to hear about it), it constantly came up.

The meanest members of our family (mainly my oldest sister and her oldest daughter), who treat each other and everyone else like bird poop, would constantly come up in their conversation. It was unavoidable, and I get that, but each time it stung like a knife jabbed into me.

I was happy to see my Florida sister before she went home, but It makes me not want to continue our phone calls.

I would often talk to her or sometimes both my younger sisters at once, for sometimes two or more hours. The Universe really wants me to work on my trilogy. It’s literally giving me extra hours per day to do this. I believe I’m meant to spend the time that I’d normally be on the phone being creative instead.

This past week I edited the entire first book of my trilogy! It was exciting to bet back into it and I spent hours rereading and writing some new scenes. It’s crazy to me, that I forgot some things I wrote. It was truly suspenseful reading it at times, LOL. I didn’t remember where I’d be going with a story line, etc.

It’s also crazy to me when my scenes make me cry, lol. I remember tears streaming down during one particular scene in book two while writing it. I thought that maybe it’d be good material since it was so moving to me while writing it.

I cried a couple of times while reading book one. I love the feeling of my book making me super excited or even super emotional.

I also wrote a few side story lines and scenes out. Some made it into the first book, and some are just extra and might get put in at some point.

It feels good to say I have a 53,000 word novel! Yay!!

Today I plan to work on rereading/editing book 2. The bare bones are all done, I need to edit and might need to add some substance to it. I can’t remember how long it is compared to book one. I need at least 50,000 words.

I need to find a beta reader, so if you know of any please comment.

And finally, for your enjoyment, I present to you, a summer Haiku…


Bright sun, late mornings,

Ferocious storms, lots of rain,

Luscious green outside.


Life is good. Family can be hard. That’s okay. We’re all just doing the best we can 💖

Published by Hella Moone

I am a mom of boys, wife, furmom, gardner, walker, runner, teacher, reader, writer and cook. I am 42 years old and live in the beautiful state of Michigan. I love my job as an elementary special education teacher. The most remarkable quality of mine is that I'm a recovering alcoholic.

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