Crystal Cave and the Healing Meadow

I think it’s awesome that we both ended up at the meadow. I’m loving these meditation meet-ups and feeling like I’m getting the relationship with my mom back- the one I thought was long gone after she passed away. It’s been amazing.

Crystal Cave

May 2022 My sister and I meditate regularly and sometimes share our experiences if we have a vision or a message come to us. Last week we had a good idea to go to a place we sometimes go to during meditation called Crystal Cave. We go there for different reasons, like to get aContinue reading “Crystal Cave”

Death will be the Life of Me

I think this “death fear” inside me is prohibiting my body’s healing.

Physical Pain, Mental Pain, is it all the Same?

You can run from a childhood food addiction, but you can’t hide. It’ll catch up with you, every time.